
Rajendra M.Shende:环保和资源有效利用

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2007-08-22 11:16 来源:慧聪空调制冷网


Rajendra M.Shende:环保和资源有效利用





Where are we headed?

The world community is at an unprecedented crossroads. The avalanche of the progress in the field of communication and digital technology,coupled with rapid economic growth is shadowing the environmental catastrophe that is looming large on our planet. The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is growing at a rate that has not been seen in the last million years of human existence. The consequences are predicted to be devastating,some of which we are already experiencing. The pending threat is real.

This is not yet another ‘doomsday’ prediction. It is not yet one more painting that depicts a gloomy scenario based on vague assumptions. It is the conclusion drawn as a result of a unique global and technological assessment closely reviewed by 195 governments. It is an unequivocal inference drawn

by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that includes world-renowned scientists,technologists and academicians. It is the deduction made after synthesising all the available data and research. In their Fourth Assessment Report published this year,the IPCC’s message is clear,unequivocal and more direct than ever before. It says that man-made GHGs are increasing the earth’s average temperature,which may cause disastrous impacts on our civilization and has irreversible effects on our biosphere if left unchecked.


