Development in Improving System Performance I
8月22日下午1:00—3:00,主题为“Development in Improving System Performance I”在北京国际会议中心305—B会议室召开。
The idea of using the two-phase high –speed rotation supersonic steam ejector in refrigerating systems was presented in the paper. The research focused on the numerical modeling of thermo – flow processes for the rotating ratio from 0 to 10 000 rpm and the entrainment ratio changeable in the range of 0 to 0.3. The numerical calculations were carried out using finite element method in ANSYS CFX software and meshing process was done in ANSYS ICEM software. The calculations were based on homogenous model of mixing process and SST model in case of turbulence simulation. The authors proposed an algorithm of calculations useful for modeling of the similar rotating devices. A tested parameter determining efficiency of the ejector’s work was pressure in the induced region. The calculations proved that for the narrow range of the entrainment ratio - around 0.1 – setting the ejector in rotation improved efficiency of work.