Heat Pump Heater Used for Domestic Water
2007年8月26日上午8:30-12:00在北京国际会议中心ROOM308会议室内,冰山集团举办了题为:Heat Pump Heater Used for Domestic Water 的主题讲座。
Heat pumps for domestic hot water production usually use reciprocating compressors mainly because scroll compressors of small capacity are not yet easily available on the market. The simulation of a system using either a scroll or a reciprocating compressor is therefore interesting to perform in order to compare the performance of each system. For the simulation,heat transfer coefficients,operation source and sink temperatures are based on experimental results obtained on a real domestic hot water heat pump installed in a single-family dwelling. The parameters of the model for the reciprocating compressor are obtained by fitting the experimental results. In order to model the non existing small capacity scroll compressor,a downsizing of an existing small scroll compressor is achieved. The simulation of the performance of both systems for a one-year period shows that the use of the reciprocating compressor leads to an annual SPF value of 2.33,very close to the experimental one (2.28). Using a scroll compressor leads to an annual SPF of 2.97 which is 27% higher than the SPF of the reciprocating compressor.