
More attention paid to the washing trade of air conditioner

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2005-08-16 08:45 来源:慧聪空调制冷网

The continuous energy shortage started from the year before last year and the recently emphasized environmental consciousness put emphasis on recently to begin every year in the past,make the frozen system of air conditioner wash the market and face the new business opportunity. But the materials washing the information centre of the trade in the whole country show,the washing of the domestic central air conditioner is still only a auxiliary business of numerous specialized companies engaged in cleaning at present,it was still the blank that was really washed for the staple with the central air conditioner.

The air conditioner is washed and paid close attention to,besides sterilization purpose,because the air conditioner is washed and be adopted as a energy-conserving measure. The one rarely known by the people is,one has not safeguarded and maintained the large-scale heating,air conditioner and refrigeration system of the system,in order to reach its specified heating or refrigeration result after forming the dirt,will consume more more than 50% energy. According to news,Shanghai issue new policy on will it be April 2005,require all civil cooler of air conditioner non-,wash before coming with the electric peak summer. It is predicted,nearly 5 million central air conditioners demand urgently to wash and deal with at present in China. Have many enterprise wash to air conditioner trade produce the strong interest too in Beijing at present,they,while engaged in washing business in scale removal of various kinds of cooling towers and water circulatory systemsing,expand a fighting force,plan to work energetically .



