
The Actualization Of Kyoto Protocol Will Affect China Seriously

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2005-09-06 11:18 来源:慧聪空调制冷网

China has subscribed the Kyoto Protocol in 1998,and ratified in 2002.

Ren Renyong,form Environment Protection Bureau,says the Kyoto Protocol is actually the problem of economic,energy and political. What to do for China is adjusting the energy structure.

Pan Jiahua,from China society and science institute,says the Kyoto Protocol goes into effect does not bring press for China presently,but will affect much China in the future.

The cost of discharge CO2 in developed country is 5 to 20 times in developing country,so developed country will transfer founds and technology to developing country,to improve the efficiency of energy using and ability of continue development,and perform the duty stated by Kyoto Protocol.




