
The Raw Material Cost Of PVC Duct In China Increase Violently

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2005-09-06 11:18 来源:慧聪空调制冷网

According to the statistics of China Plastic Machining Association,the increase rate of China plastic duct material market achieve 15 percents at present,in first of the whole world. But in the good environment,the step of plastic duct material development is not easy. Because the increase of world oil prize course the prize of world plastic duct material market increase,since 2003,the prize of polypropylene,polyethylene and PVC in China is rising.

Observing the tend of world plastic market,the high prize of raw material will continue for a period. In order to get rid of passivity operation,we should adjust operation strategy.

First,change prize competition capability to competition capability; construct the competition bastion of us.

Second,strengthen international trade,extend world market.

Third,strengthen the degree of new product study,open up new profit point.

Lastly,upgrade selling and innovating ability.

据中国塑料加工工业协会统计,目前中国塑料管材市场的年增长率达15%,居世界首位。 但良好的发展环境,并未让国内塑料管材企业前行的步履轻松,自2003年起,由于世界原油价格的上扬,引发世界塑料原料市场价格全线上涨,受国际市场的价格拉动,国内聚丙烯、聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯价格也处于上扬态势。





