
The Analysis Of Electrical Water Heater Market 2005

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2005-09-06 11:51 来源:慧聪空调制冷网

It is showed by concern investigation that,water heater has many functions as bathing and water heating,and this is the ultimate reason of water heater market capability increase. The electrical water heater industry upturn speedy since 2004,cause a lot of middle and small size water heater enterprise bankrupt or change product,and the brand is more and more centralized. The electrical water market in 2005 will have two develop tend intending:

Safety-the subject forever. The average qualified rate of the whole water heater industury is over 80%,but there also many accident caused by electrical water heater,and the essence of accident is changing: the reason of many accidents is not the product qualify but the dangerous electrical environment. And this environment in China is representative.

Energy saving-the keystone of development. Since 2005,the electric condition in China is also strict,it is easy to find that,the energy saving electrical water heater will be also popular.



