
Huang Ming solar gains two brand awards.

慧聪暖通与舒适家居网 2005-12-15 09:11 来源:慧聪空调制冷网

In September 2005,China brand advancing committee published the list of the well-known brand in 2005. Huang Ming is the top 1. It gains both “China resound mark” and “China famous brand” awards.

In the first half year of 2005,Huang Ming initially promotes a high-efficiency main unit and original standard piped solar water heater. That makes a big change from the single unit to a system unit,and establishes a definite standard of adopting for the agents and customers. Huang Ming first declares that solar water heater is a hot water system,main unit and original pipe should be designed according to the working environment,it should be supplied all by a same producer,who can take response for the whole work. After Huang Ming’s action,some solar enterprises like Ecoosolar are doing the same thing. Now,the authority is considering making the solar water heater system a new standard,in order to impulse the sound development of solar industry.

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