Natural Refrigerants Heat Pump System
8月23日下午1:00-5:30,主题为"Natural Refrigerants Heat Pump System(自然制冷热泵系统)"在北京国际会议中心308会议室召开。
Metal hydride technology is extended to cooling applications with two coupled reactors filled with two different metal hydrides. Such a cooling module filled with two different metal hydrides LaNi4.7Al0.3 and MmNi4.15Fe0.85 is simulated based on heat and mass transfer aspects. Hydrogen is cycled from one reactor to another by supplying/removing heat to/from them. The effect of variation of heat source,heat rejection and refrigeration temperatures for various cycle times has been studied in the ranges of 160 to 200oC,30 to 50oC,10 to -10oC and 200 to 4000 seconds
respectively. Both COP as well as SCP is found to increase with increase in heat source temperature at low cycle time. The effect of heat rejection temperature is to decrease COP. The SCP is found to be more at a low heat rejection temperature. High COPs and SCPs are delivered by the cooling
module at higher refrigeration temperatures.