Miscellaneous Refrigeration Systems and Parts
8月25日下午1:00-5:30,主题为"Miscellaneous Refrigeration Systems and Parts(多种制冷系统单元)"在北京国际会议中心306会议室召开。
Last years a lot of attention is being paid in refrigeration engineering to the problem of alternative refrigerants as substitutes of refrigerants that destroy the ozone layer and provoke an environment warming up. Some refrigerants suggested for this purpose namely R134a,R125 are badly compatible with existing refrigerating machines and oil lubricants used now; they are expensive and have a Global warming potential. As a result the role of natural substances as water,water solution rises steeply [1]. All such substances are low pressure ones and have a great volume of vapour under pressure of 1-25 mm Hg,so they can't operate with usual refrigeration compressors. A vacuum-evaporative refrigeration installation was developed at the department of refrigeration of Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology. It may cool down liquids such as water,water-containing liquids from warm state down to 0°C. Also it is possible to freeze water to the ice state and turn it into slurry. This installation consists of the main vacuum pump with at high speed pumping,the auxiliary vacuum pump of oil type,the shell and the tube condenser and the evaporator. The manner of operation of the installation is given,as well as some results of test and theoretical analysis of the process are discussed.