频道推荐:众志成城 暖通制冷企业助力灾区重建
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Journalist and Partners,
Today we are happy to welcome you on this harbour tour boat not only to enjoy the beautiful view of a city which is changing so quickly and is improving the lifestyle for the inhabitants. We are also meeting to show you today our Innovation Campaign for the autumn 2008. Especially two products we would like to highlight,which for sure is helping us to further improve the lifestyle here in Shanghai and China.
For this our two Product Manager –
Ms. Connie Wang (Refrigeration technic) and Ms. Cherry Li (Infrared technic) will let you know more about it later.
With us and here on my right side is our testo Sales Director for China Mr. James Ren,you may ask him further questions after Product Managers and my introduction. As well,or please,address your questions to me,I am Michael Wolf the Managing Director for testo in China since December 2004.
另外,站在我右边的这位是德图中国的销售总监:任坚先生,稍后大家也可以与他进行进一步的交流。最后向大家介绍一下,这位是Michael Wolf,德图中国的执行董事。他自2004年底加入德图,至今已经快4年了。
But first of all,as many new faces I can see in this meeting today,let us say some words about testo worldwide & in China. The market of portable measuring instruments is for 50 years our main business (2007 has been our 50 yeas anniversary). The companies Headquarters is based in the South of Germany called “Black Forest” and gives workplace to 1.400 employees worldwide and supported by 27 Subsidiaries outside of Germany.
As this company has been crowing for 50 years consistently year by year and never had any negative growth rate,we are very proud on it. Especially by knowing that the company has been organically growing,means without any purchase of near by competitors. This means,we are true testo people and mostly grow up from a healthy fundament.
50多年来,德图仪器一直在稳步向前地发展,并且从未出现过任何负增长的情况,对此我们引以为傲。 不仅如此,德图的成长也是健康的成长,何谓健康成长呢,就是由小慢慢长大,逐渐成长而完成,并非通过企业间的合并而完成的。这意味着我们都是真正的德图人,并具有健康牢固的成长基石。
Testo made a huge step forward in China since 2002. The corner stone of this success has been the setting up of own testo-subsidiary in year 2002 in the heart of developed China,in Shanghai. Since then testo has been setting up in total 5 branch offices (CD,GZ,BJ,JN,HK) and educated 60 persons in sales-,marketing-,and after sales-service until today. The huge growth in turnover and profit made testo China the best performing company in the testo organization,which has been rewarded on this years testo-world-wide meeting with “company of the years 2007” Award.
But now,we would like to step over to the ceremony area and asking Mr. Ren to help me by hitting the gong,so we could see testo`s newest Innovation.